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@article{ Holloway2008,
 title = {Locating haunting: a ghost-hunter's guide},
 author = {Holloway, Julian and Kneale, James},
 journal = {Cultural Geographies},
 number = {3},
 pages = {297-312},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Recent work in human geography seems to support Roger Luckhurst's (2002) claim that                the humanities and social sciences are undergoing a `spectral turn'. This paper is                intended as a contribution to this `turn' and to assist those who might be                interested in investigating haunting. It begins by discussing the meaning and value                of ideas of haunting, identifying a number of ways in which it makes analysis                productively hesitant. Second, since hauntings usually involve attempts to represent                the unrepresentable, we would like to offer a practical guide for locating these                awkward moments of hesitancy. Drawing upon a number of examples from films,                literature and life we will discuss some of the ways in which ghosts may be made                manifest, textually and materially. We will conclude by suggesting that in being                hesitant and embracing indeterminacy we might open up new and potentially productive                apprehensions of haunted spaces and the enchanting energetics that are particular to                them.},