

@article{ Pidcock2006,
 title = {What is the impact of subject benchmarking?},
 author = {Pidcock, Steve},
 journal = {Active Learning in Higher Education},
 number = {2},
 pages = {111-128},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The introduction of subject benchmarking led to fears of increased external                intervention in the activities of universities and a more restrictive view of                institutional autonomy, accompanied by an undermining of the academic profession,                particularly through the perceived threat of the introduction of a national                curriculum for higher education. For this study, semi-structured interviews were                conducted in one old and one new university with higher education professionals in                chemistry, history and quality assurance, who were asked about their perceptions of                subject benchmarking and its impact. The investigation did not bear out the fears                articulated at the inception of subject benchmarking. Furthermore, the investigation                showed that subject benchmarking was not perceived as having the principal                characteristic normally associated with a benchmarking system, in that it was not                perceived as leading to improvement. The article ends with suggestions for future research.},