

@article{ Mavrommatis2006,
 title = {The New ‘Creative’Brick Lane},
 author = {Mavrommatis, George},
 journal = {Ethnicities},
 number = {4},
 pages = {498-517},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article is a narrative study of local multicultural encounters taking place                along Brick Lane in East London, UK. Although the area has been primarily researched                for its Bangladeshi community, this article focuses on the                ‘creative’ professionals who work and/or reside within the                vicinity. It is a narrative investigation into their attitudes towards difference,                ethnicity and the ethnic self. A multiplicity of local multicultural tales comes to                the fore. In short, the multicultural realities of the area become narrated in many                different ways, which clearly manifest a narrative complexity, unfolding within the                new ‘creative’ Brick Lane. These different local multicultural                narratives could also be indicative of the ways that multicultural meaning is                created within London at large.},