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@article{ Nichols2006,
 title = {‘Struggling with Language’},
 author = {Nichols, Robert Lee},
 journal = {Ethnicities},
 number = {1},
 pages = {27-51},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this article, I explore the relationship between linguistic diversity and                political power. Specifically, I outline some of the ways that linguistic diversity                has served as a barrier to the centralization of power, thus constraining, for                example, the political practice of empire-formation. A brief historical example of                this dynamic is presented in the case of Spanish colonialism of the 16th-century.                The article proceeds then to demonstrate how linguistic diversity remains tied to                struggles against forms of domination. I argue that in contemporary indigenous                movements for linguistic security, the languages themselves are not merely conceived                of as the object of the political struggle, but also as the means to preserve a                space for local action and deliberation - a ‘politics of local                community’. I show that linguistic diversity and the devolution of                political power to the local level are in a mutually reinforcing relationship.                Finally, I consider the implications of this thesis for liberal theorizing on                language rights, arguing that such theory cannot fully come to terms with this                political-strategic dimension of language struggles.},