

@article{ Hickman2005,
 title = {The limitations of whiteness and the boundaries of Englishness},
 author = {Hickman, Mary J. and Morgan, Sarah and Walter, Bronwen and Bradley, Joseph},
 journal = {Ethnicities},
 number = {2},
 pages = {160-182},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The focus of this article is the second-generation Irish in England. It is based on                data collected as part of the Irish 2 project, which examined processes of identity                formation amongst the second-generation Irish population in England and Scotland.                The article examines and maps identifications and positionings of second-generation                Irish people and discusses how two hegemonic domains - Ireland and England -                intersect in the lives of the children of Irish-born parents, with material and                psychological consequences. Their positionings in multiethnic Britain are compared                with those of ‘visible’ minority ethnic groups, and their                narratives of belonging and non-belonging are analysed in terms of the limitations                of whiteness and the boundaries of Englishness.},