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@article{ McCabe2007,
 title = {Translating Policy and Practice},
 author = {McCabe, Louise},
 journal = {Global Social Policy},
 number = {2},
 pages = {203-221},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2007},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Global influences and demographic changes are leading policy makers in less developed                countries to look to more developed regions for policy and service ideas. Policy and                services ideas may then be `borrowed' via processes such as policy transfer                (Dolowitz and Marsh, 1996). This article explores the establishment of day care for                people with dementia in Kerala, India. During the development of this service                policy, information and practice ideas were transferred from different countries,                particularly the UK. During the transfer of information and also within the                following processes of implementation and enactment of policy, translation processes                take place. In order to understand these translation processes, this article                describes the development of day care in Kerala and compares its current functioning                with that of similar day care centres in the UK. The concept of translation is found                to illuminate and explain the process of service development in Kerala and could be                used elsewhere to explain examples of policy and practice development.},