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@article{ Cameron2005,
 title = {Perceptions of Self and Group in the Context of a Threatened National                Identity: A Field Study},
 author = {Cameron, James E. and Duck, Julie M. and Terry, Deborah J. and Lalonde, Richard N.},
 journal = {Group Processes & Intergroup Relations},
 number = {1},
 pages = {73-88},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Previous research indicates that people who are highly identified with their groups                tend to remain committed to them under threat. This study examines the                generalizability of this effect to (a) a real-life context involving the perception                that others view the ingroup (Australians) as intolerant of minorities and (b)                various dimensions of social identification. The sample comprised 213 respondents to                a random mail survey. Perceived threat was inversely related to self-stereotyping                (i.e. perceptions of self-ingroup similarity), but only for individuals with weak                subjective ties to other group members. Threat perceptions were also predictive of                enhanced judgments of within-group variability on threat-relevant dimensions,                particularly for individuals with weaker ingroup ties. Various strategies for coping                with a threatened social identity are linked to different facets of social identification.},