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@article{ Hesmondhalgh2007,
 title = {Audiences and everyday aesthetics: talking about good and bad music},
 author = {Hesmondhalgh, David},
 journal = {European Journal of Cultural Studies},
 number = {4},
 pages = {507-527},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2007},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The first part of this article outlines a dilemma in cultural studies and sociology of culture regarding the politics of aesthetics. This concerns whether discourse about the evaluation of symbolic forms serves to reinforce power relations and maintain divisions between people and communities, or whether evaluation can serve as a basis for greater commonality. One way of at least beginning to address this issue is to attend to the 'everyday aesthetics' of media audiences, exemplified here in the ordinary evaluative discourse of music users. The second part of the article reports on interview research about musical tastes and values. It analyses these interviews for evidence of the ways in which evaluative statements might involve making connections with others, or alternatively how they may act as barriers to social connectivity or community. How and to what extent might ordinary musical evaluation be thought of as part of potential aesthetic public spheres?},