

%T From madman in the basement to self-sacrificing champion: the multiple faces of Spike
%A Abbott, Stacey
%J European Journal of Cultural Studies
%N 3
%P 329-344
%V 8
%D 2005
%K Angel; Buffy; identity; mise-en-scène; narrative arc; narrative structure; schizophrenia; vampires with souls
%= 2011-05-20T12:58:00Z
%~ http://www.peerproject.eu/
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-226572
%X Towards the end of Season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike undergoes an identity crisis and leaves Sunnydale in search of a solution. 'Neither a monster nor a man', Spike yearns for reconciliation of his divided self. The answer comes in the form of the return of his soul. This article explores how the return of Spike's soul does not deliver a reconciled Spike but rather one which has been exponentially fragmented. In a show that prides itself on complex character development, Spike undergoes the most dramatic character arc of anyone on the series, taking place in one season in an almost schizophrenic fashion. Through close analysis of mise-en-scène and narrative structure this article demonstrates how each of these personas is presented as distinct and explores how identity in this season is not defined by growth and evolution but rather the recognition that we are each made up of a multitude of selves.
%G en
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info