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@article{ Knapp2005,
 title = {Race, Class, Gender},
 author = {Knapp, Gudrun-Axeli},
 journal = {European Journal of Women's Studies},
 number = {3},
 pages = {249-265},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article focuses on the temporal and epistemic economy connected to the                transatlantic travels of the categorical triad of                ‘race-class-gender’. It looks at conditions and forces that have                fuelled the dynamics of the discourse on differences and inequality among women and                analyses feminist discourse and its aporias as a particular environment for the                travels of theories. Furthermore, it follows the changes the triad of                ‘race-class-gender’ undergoes on its transatlantic route from                the United States to a German-speaking context and it outlines the theoretical                challenges connected to an intersectional perspective that aims to overcome a                theoretical stagnation that itself finds symptomatic expression in the ritual citing                of ‘race-class-gender’.},
 keywords = {gender; Gender}}