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@article{ Cherryman2008,
 title = {An exploratory study of public opinions on the use of hydrogen energy in                Wales},
 author = {Cherryman, S.J. and King, S. and Hawkes, F.R. and Dinsdale, R. and Hawkes, D.L.},
 journal = {Public Understanding of Science},
 number = {3},
 pages = {397-410},
 volume = {17},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The introduction of hydrogen into the energy market is being pursued by governments                around the world in an effort to abate climate change, provide security of supply                and reduce air pollution. While technological aspects are well researched, the                social aspects of the transition are not. The public's attitude and perception of                hydrogen energy will be of great importance as we move closer to the implementation                of the technologies. Using two focus groups this exploratory study aims to identify                Welsh public opinions on the production and end use of hydrogen energy. Gender                differences were apparent, as women were generally more accepting of hydrogen                technology. The main concerns were safety (both of use and in production) and cost.                Cost remained paramount, even in the light of environmental considerations. The                groups' attitude to the development of hydrogen technology was supportive but with                the caveat that price and safety should not be compromised.},