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@article{ Roten2006,
 title = {Do we need a public understanding of statistics?},
 author = {Roten, Fabienne Crettaz von},
 journal = {Public Understanding of Science},
 number = {2},
 pages = {243-249},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper explores arguments in favor of a public understanding of statistics and                suggests its possible contributions to the analysis of surveys of attitudes toward                science. Statistics permeates all aspects of life—from education, work,                media, and health, to citizenship. For example, most media reporting includes                statistical references to health, social and demographic trends, education, and                economics. The pervasiveness of statistics poses a problem, as statistics is a                difficult discipline associated with misunderstandings, which ruin trust and lead to                misgivings. Civic scientific literacy covers statistics insufficiently, both                theoretically and empirically. Finally, this paper formulates new explanations,                built on statistical literacy, of empirical results found in surveys of attitudes                toward science and suggests modes for the development of statistical literacy in                this context.},