

@article{ Ratto2006,
 title = {Foundations and profiles: splicing metaphors in genetic databases and biobanks},
 author = {Ratto, Matt},
 journal = {Public Understanding of Science},
 number = {1},
 pages = {31-53},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this paper we explore new developments in genomics, in particular the move from                data sequencing efforts like the Human Genome Project (HGP), to newer forms of                data-driven genomic work that focus explicitly on the complicated relationship                between genes and environment. We compare the use of a key term within the HGP, the                metaphor of “foundation,” to the use of a different term, the                metaphor of “profile,” within the GenomEUtwin consortium, an                exemplar of “post-genomic” projects. By doing so, we attempt to                re-think the role of language and metaphor in scientific projects and explore new                developments in post-genomic research. These developments include: first, the                movement towards an explicit and programmatic acknowledgement of the complexity of                gene and trait relationships, second, the use of bio-informatics techniques as                exploratory tools of discovery rather than as part of a more straightforward                “decoding” effort, third, the development of network                infrastructures that link up and provide access to a vast array of different                databases, and fourth, the alignment between various disciplines and interests                within biology, clinical work, and public health initiatives. We use the metaphor of                “splicing” to emphasize the heterogeneous work of scientists                engaged in “weaving together” the diverse set of ideas,                interests, and players necessary for the success of large-scale scientific projects.},