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@article{ Rowe2005,
 title = {Difficulties in evaluating public engagement initiatives: reflections on an                evaluation of the UK GM Nation? public debate about transgenic crops},
 author = {Rowe, Gene and Horlick-Jones, Tom and Walls, John and Pidgeon, Nick},
 journal = {Public Understanding of Science},
 number = {4},
 pages = {331-352},
 volume = {14},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In the realm of risk management, and policy-making more generally, “public                engagement” is often advocated as an antidote to pathologies associated                with traditional methods of policy-making, and associated deficit-model-driven                communication strategies. The actual benefits of public engagement are, however,                difficult to establish without thorough evaluation of specific engagement processes.                Unfortunately, rigorous evaluation is difficult, and, perhaps for this reason, it                has rarely been undertaken. In this paper we highlight a number of these                difficulties in the light of our experiences in evaluating a major engagement                initiative, namely the GM Nation? publice debate on the possible                commercialization of transgenic crops, which took place in Britain in 2003. The                difficulties we identify seem likely to be relevant to many, if not most, engagement                evaluations. They are concerned with both theoretical/normative (how one should                evaluate) and practical (how one does evaluate) issues. We suggest a                number of possible solutions to these evaluation difficulties.},