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@article{ Schillmeier2008,
 title = {Time-Spaces of In/dependence and Dis/ability},
 author = {Schillmeier, Michael},
 journal = {Time & Society},
 number = {2-3},
 pages = {215-231},
 volume = {17},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article highlights the temporal construction of everyday spaces that make up the societal relevance of in/dependences and dis/abilities. Employing an account of empirical philosophy, the article links self-conducted empirical research with philosophical ideas. Introducing Heidegger's notion of `time-space', the proposed view tries to avoid bifurcating in/dependences and dis/abilities a priori as the effect of given realities. Rather, they appear as highly fragile mediations of heterogeneous elements that make up the times and spaces of emerging in/dependences and dis/abilities. With special reference to `visual disability', I explore how ordinary acts of `dealing with money' and `going shopping' configure multiple `blind' times and spaces of in/dependence and dis/ability.},
 keywords = {mediation; Mediation}}