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@article{ Gajewska2008,
 title = {The Emergence of a European Labour Protest Movement?},
 author = {Gajewska, Katarzyna},
 journal = {European Journal of Industrial Relations},
 number = {1},
 pages = {104-121},
 volume = {14},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article considers what a transnational, and specifically European labour                    movement, would mean in the context of European integration, and whether there                    are prospects for its development. There are certainly structures and sporadic                    actions, so the question is whether they can develop further into a movement. I                    will summarize the literature on the integration of labour in the EU, which                    commonly argues that it is divided and incapable of action. These obstacles can                    be considered in a different light when the strand of social movement approaches                    is applied. Then I will present two cases of transnational European collective                    action with a focus on the managing of difference and on developing into a                    social movement. To summarize I will assess the future of labour mobilization in                    transnational context and conclude with a tentative explanation.},
 keywords = {protest; Protest}}