

@article{ Woolfson2006,
 title = {Labour Mobility in Construction: European Implications of the Laval un                Partneri Dispute with Swedish Labour},
 author = {Woolfson, Charles and Sommers, Jeff},
 journal = {European Journal of Industrial Relations},
 number = {1},
 pages = {49-68},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The accession to the European Union of new member states from central and eastern                Europe, with weak trade union movements, poorly developed social dialogue and                inferior working conditions, has been viewed as a threat to regulated labour                standards in the EU-15. This article examines a high-profile labour dispute arising                from the conditions of Latvian construction contract labour in Sweden. The dispute                exposes weaknesses in the protective floor of minimum standards offered by the                posted workers Directive. It also goes to the core of the debate about the                preservation of a ‘European social model’ and the proposed                Services Directive.},