

@article{ Moulaert2010,
 title = {Analysing regional development and policy: a structural-realist approach},
 author = {Moulaert, Frank and Mehmood, Abid},
 journal = {Regional Studies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {103-118},
 volume = {44},
 year = {2010},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper overviews the models analysing regional development. It evaluates their analytical and policy relevance, and recommends for a structural-realist approach to spatial development analysis. Section 2 overviews Territorial Innovation Models that  theorise local and regional development from a New Regionalism point of view, and explains why they fall short of 'realist' regional development analysis. Section 3 pleas for return to 'old' institutionalist and structuralist traditions ad-rem to distinguishing the analytical from the strategy and policy perspectives. Section 4 makes methodological recommendations, on contemporary spatial development analysis, with cognisance of structural-institutional, scalar and cultural dimensions of development processes and strategies.},
 keywords = {path dependence; social structure; Sozialstruktur; Pfadabhängigkeit}}