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@article{ Collewaert2010,
 title = {An assessment of government funding of business angel networks in Flanders},
 author = {Collewaert, Veroniek and Manigart, Sophie and Aernoudt, Rudy},
 journal = {Regional Studies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {119-130},
 volume = {44},
 year = {2010},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {We evaluate whether government intervention through the subsidization of business angel networks enhances regional economic growth. We show that, firstly, BANs reduce the information and financing problems entrepreneurial companies face. Secondly, these companies contribute to economic development and growth. Thirdly, there are positive indicators of future potential, such as an upward evolution in value creation and ability to raise follow-on financing. Finally, the programme has many positive indirect effects. This leads us to tentatively conclude that public BAN support is warranted. However, to make this conclusion more robust requires a longer-term evaluation.},
 keywords = {economic development (on national level); Risikokapital; Politik; politics; Wirtschaftsentwicklung; venture capital}}