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@book{ Schubert2002,
 title = {Making interaction and interactivity visible: on the practical and analytical uses of audiovisual recordings in high-tech and high-risk work situations},
 author = {Schubert, Cornelius},
 year = {2002},
 series = {TUTS - Working Papers},
 pages = {22},
 volume = {5-2002},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Technische Universität Berlin, Fak. VI Planen, Bauen, Umwelt, Institut für Soziologie Fachgebiet Techniksoziologie},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The use of video equipment has not been and still is not a methodological focus of mainstream research in the social sciences. This paper will argue in favour of video observation and the qualitative analysis of this kind of empirical data. The argument will consider current areas of interest for videographic methods and the methodological implications that need to be taken into account. Furthermore it will give a short 'how-to' guideline for those starting to use video equipment based on personal experiences as well as methodological aspects. This paper will not deal with the analysis of audiovisual material produced for other reasons than scientific research (e.g. television, motion pictures, surveillance).},
 keywords = {job situation; Arbeit; risk; interaction; Videofilm; Methode; Video; interaktive Medien; video film; Arbeitsbedingungen; labor; audiovisual media; Technologie; Arbeitsanalyse; surveillance; interactive media; Arbeitssituation; social science; audiovisuelle Medien; Risiko; video; high technology; job; qualitative method; Sozialwissenschaft; Observation; method; working conditions; qualitative Methode; Interaktion; Arbeitsplatz; job analysis; Hochtechnologie; technology}}