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@article{ Gašparíková2010,
 title = {Status quo of innovation entrepreneurial activity on regional level: the Case of Slovak Republic},
 author = {Gašparíková, Jana},
 journal = {Research in Social Change},
 pages = {11},
 year = {2010},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {One of the conditions for a prosperous economy is the innovation activity of its firms and enterprises. This condition is a sine qua non especially in recent time, which are characterized  by strong global and regional economic dynamics. The main task of this paper was to offer a picture of the situation of innovation activity in enterprises in Slovak Republic. Two important policy documents (the Lisbon Treaty and the Innovation strategy of the Slovak Republic) are in sharp contrast with the actual situation.},
 keywords = {economic development (on national level); Wirtschaftsentwicklung; Innovation; innovation; Globalisierung; globalization; enterprise; strategy; Slovakia; Slowakei; Strategie; Unternehmen; regionalization; Regionalisierung}}