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@incollection{ Golovakha2009,
 title = {Main Stages and Tendencies in Transformation of Ukrainian Society: From Perestroika to Orange Revolution},
 author = {Golovakha, Yevgen and Panina, Natalia},
 editor = {Golovakha, Yevhen},
 year = {2009},
 booktitle = {Ukrainian Sociological Review 2006-2007},
 pages = {3-24},
 address = {Kiev},
 publisher = {Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine},
 isbn = {978-966-02-5153-3},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article is dealing with the analysis of main stages and tendencies of social transformations that have been taken place in Ukraine since the well-known Perestroika in the ex-USSR. Transformational processes are studied in very important ways for Ukrainian society aspects, such as: institutional, socio-structural, and socio-psychological. The authors gave special attention on the role of classes — elites and the broad masses in the different stages of this period have been analyzed.},