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@article{ Hallding2009,
 title = {China's climate- and energy-security dilemma: shaping a new path of economic growth},
 author = {Hallding, Karl and Han, Guoyi and Olsson, Marie},
 journal = {Journal of Current Chinese Affairs},
 number = {3},
 pages = {119-134},
 volume = {38},
 year = {2009},
 issn = {1868-4874},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {China is undergoing modernization at a scale and speed the world has never witnessed. As climate change increasingly dominates the global agenda, China faces the challenge of shaping a new growth path in a climate-constrained world. The paper argues that China's current climate and energy policy is, at best, a "repackaging" of existing energy and environmental strategies with co-benefits for the mitigation of climate change. Nevertheless, even though policies are not climate-change driven, the quick (rhetorical) endorsement of low-carbon development and the strong momentum of green technologies indicate that political ambitions are in favour of finding a more sustainable development pathway. A new growth path would, however, require a fundamental shift, with development and energy strategies being set within climate security constraints. The eventual success of this new path remains uncertain.},
 keywords = {Klimaschutz; Energieversorgung; economic growth; energy supply; Energieverbrauch; Klimawandel; sustainability; Konflikt; conflict; climate protection; Wirtschaftswachstum; Erfolg-Misserfolg; success-failure; strategy; China; climate change; Nachhaltigkeit; energy consumption; Strategie; China}}