

@book{ 1980,
 title = {The connection between work organisation and wage payment: case studies on the interelation between working conditions and payment by results in plants belonging to a company locates in the Federal Republic of Germany ; final report},
 author = {Düll. Klaus and Böhle, Fritz},
 year = {1980},
 pages = {124},
 address = {Munich},
 publisher = {Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung e.V. ISF München},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Elektroindustrie; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Arbeitsbewertung; Leistung; wage; Federal Republic of Germany; Beschäftigtenstruktur; composition of personnel; working conditions; Arbeitsbedingungen; electrical industry; Arbeitsorganisation; production engineering; achievement; job evaluation; job analysis; work organization; Produktionstechnik; Arbeitsanalyse; Lohn}}