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Harmonizing Single-Question Instruments for Latent Constructs With Equating Using Political Interest as an Example
[journal article]
Abstract Many latent constructs in the social sciences, such as political interest, are measured with single-question instruments. Furthermore, survey programs often differ in the wording and response format of those instruments. This is problematic if we want to compare or combine data across different surv... view more
Many latent constructs in the social sciences, such as political interest, are measured with single-question instruments. Furthermore, survey programs often differ in the wording and response format of those instruments. This is problematic if we want to compare or combine data across different surveys or across changing instruments within a survey program. Consequently, we need robust methods to establish comparability in existing data (i.e., ex-post harmonization). In this paper I demonstrate the usefulness of an approach from psychometry: Observed score equating with a random groups design. Using two existing instruments for political interest, I show that equating works well in transforming the numerical scores of instruments so that they can be compared across instruments. Since random groups equating needs data for both instruments from the same population, I also demonstrate the feasibility of equating using an online nonprobability sample as well as using two probability samples of the adult German population.... view less
ALLBUS; ISSP; social research; empirical social research; survey research; method; data capture; comparison; political interest; measurement instrument; questionnaire; harmonization
Methods and Techniques of Data Collection and Data Analysis, Statistical Methods, Computer Methods
Free Keywords
survey measurement instruments; equating; comparability; Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften ALLBUS 2018 (ZA5270 v2.0.0); Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften ALLBUS 2016 (ZA5250 v2.1.0); Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften ALLBUS 2014 (ZA5240 v2.2.0); International Social Survey Programme: Leisure Time and Sports - ISSP 2007 (ZA4850 v2.0.0); International Social Survey Programme: Citizenship II - ISSP 2014 (ZA6670 v2.0.0); International Social Survey Programme: Citizenship - ISSP 2004 (ZA3950 v1.3.0); Vor- und Nachwahl-Querschnitt (Kumulation) (GLES 2017) (ZA6802 v3.0.1)
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Publication Year
p. 353-369
Survey Research Methods, 16 (2022) 3
Published Version; peer reviewed