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Nuclearized River Basins: Conflict and Cooperation along the Rhine, Danube, and Elbe
Nuklearisierte Flussgebiete: Konflikt und Kooperation an Rhein, Donau und Elbe
[journal article]
Abstract This article analyses the historical geography of nuclear energy through the spatial lens of river basins. Approximately half of the world’s nuclear power plants were built along one or the other river. There, they gave rise to both conflict and cooperation. Drawing on the theoretical notion of wate... view more
This article analyses the historical geography of nuclear energy through the spatial lens of river basins. Approximately half of the world’s nuclear power plants were built along one or the other river. There, they gave rise to both conflict and cooperation. Drawing on the theoretical notion of water interaction, which takes into account relations of both conflictual and cooperative nature, we distinguish between such relations in three dimensions: space, environment, and infrastructure. The spatial dimension gravitates around social and political processes where proximity and distance are at the heart, often linked to the search for suitable sites for nuclear construction. The environmental dimension refers to conflict and cooperation around the radioactive and thermal pollution of waterways. The infrastructural dimension, finally, highlights how nuclear power plant builders, when they arrived from the 1950s onwards, had to relate to pre-existing infrastructural features of the rivers, which sometimes led to clashes with other actors and sometimes to more cooperative forms of interaction. In empirical terms, we focus on three European river basins that came to play particular-ly important roles in European nuclear history: those of the Rhine, Danube, and Elbe.... view less
nuclear energy; geography; nuclear power plant; location; river; environmental pollution; radioactivity; conflict potential; historical development
Ecology, Environment
Social History, Historical Social Research
Free Keywords
River basins; nuclear energy; siting conflicts; borders; thermal pollution; hydraulic engineering; dams; cooperation; Rhine; Danube; Elbe; nuclear power plants
Document language
Publication Year
p. 92-125
Historical Social Research, 49 (2024) 1
Issue topic
Geographies of Nuclear Energy in Past and Present: International Studies
Published Version; peer reviewed