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The Memory of the Second Karabakh War and the Future of the National Lack in Azerbaijan
[journal article]
Abstract The loss of control over Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding, predominantly Azerbaijani-inhabited territories
after the First Karabakh War formed a traumatic basis for the formation of the post-Soviet Azerbaijani
national identity. The situation fundamentally changed after the second war in Nagor... view more
The loss of control over Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding, predominantly Azerbaijani-inhabited territories
after the First Karabakh War formed a traumatic basis for the formation of the post-Soviet Azerbaijani
national identity. The situation fundamentally changed after the second war in Nagorno-Karabakh,
when Azerbaijan regained control over surrounding territories and even began articulating a new irredentist
discourse. Based on a psychoanalytic approach, this study examines the reflection of these shifts in unofficial
cultural artefacts, namely, meykhana. The article analyses the celebration of the return of national territory,
the glorification of veterans, and the mourning of fallen soldiers as three modes of memorialising the
war in popular songs. The study also analyses the proliferation of antagonism in the same genre.... view less
Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture
Free Keywords
Karabakh War; Azerbaijan; Nagorno
Document language
Publication Year
p. 9-13
Caucasus Analytical Digest (2023) 133
Issue topic
Nation-Building in 21st Century Azerbaijan: Discourse and Narratives
Published Version; peer reviewed
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