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International Organizations as Group Actors: How Institutional Procedures Create Organizational Independence without Delegation to Institutional Agents
Internationale Organisationen als kollektive Akteure: Wie Organisationen durch institutionalisierte Entscheidungsverfahren auch ohne Delegation Unabhängigkeit gegenüber ihren Mitgliedern gewinnen
[journal article]
Abstract Can international organizations (IOs) gain independence from their member states, even if their decisions arise from member state bodies? While organizational independence is a precondition for the autonomy and agency of IOs, International Relations theory cannot yet grasp IO independence in the abs... view more
Can international organizations (IOs) gain independence from their member states, even if their decisions arise from member state bodies? While organizational independence is a precondition for the autonomy and agency of IOs, International Relations theory cannot yet grasp IO independence in the absence of institutional agents like secretariats. Drawing on collective actor theories with a strong micro-foundation from philosophy and sociology, this article demonstrates how organizational rules and procedures gradually shape organizational processes and produce collective effects that do not arise from the aggregation of member state activities. Member-dominated IOs can produce collective beliefs about relevant parts of the outside world that differ from the aggregated beliefs of member states. They can comprise institutionalized organizational goals and criteria that indicate collective intentions of organizational action and differ from the aggregate preferences of member states. They can comprise decision-making procedures that foster organizational decisions according to collective beliefs and intentions and reduce or abolish the relevance of bargaining and preference aggregation. Finally, they can act in ways that do not immediately rely on implementation action by the member states or by other lower-level actors. I conclude that analyzing the sources of independence of member-dominated IOs from their members sheds light on the nature and effects of IOs as group actors.... view less
international organization; decision making; organizational behavior; capacity to act
International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy
Organizational Sociology
Free Keywords
collective actor; international organization; independence; autonomy; corporate agency; authority; pooling; group actors; beliefs; organizational intentions; organizational decision-making; organizational action
Document language
Publication Year
p. 94-124
Historical Social Research, 48 (2023) 3
Issue topic
The Emergence and Effects of Non-hierarchical Collective Agency
Published Version; peer reviewed