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Concurrent and Convergent Validity of a Single, Brief Question for Physical Activity Assessment
[journal article]
Abstract An extensive number of self-reported methods for physical activity (PA) measurement are available, including short and long recall questionnaires ranging from a few to tens of questions. Due to the fact that simple, time-saving methods could be more practical and desirable for use in a busy clinical... view more
An extensive number of self-reported methods for physical activity (PA) measurement are available, including short and long recall questionnaires ranging from a few to tens of questions. Due to the fact that simple, time-saving methods could be more practical and desirable for use in a busy clinical context, as well as in public health surveys, we evaluated how a single-item question might be a useful and cost-effective method for assessing compliance with PA guidelines. Using multiple receiver operating characteristics (ROC), we assessed the classification performance of a single brief question, employing the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire as criterion instrument, in a total of 55,950 people (30,601 women and 25,349 men). Both those who practice PA almost daily and a few times a week presented an upper threshold (1042.5 metabolic equivalent minutes (MET) minutes/week) to the established compliance PA guidelines (600 MET minutes/week) with high specificity and sensitivity, using a sedentary group as reference. Otherwise, the occasionally physically active group did not reach the minimum (349.5 MET minutes/week) and obtained a poorer classification performance. A single brief question is a pragmatic and alternative method for assessment of compliance with PA guidelines.... view less
physical exercise; epidemiology; sports; questionnaire
Leisure Research
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physical activity; validation studies; Eurobarometer 80.2 (2013) (ZA5877 v2.0.0); Eurobarometer 88.4 (2017) (ZA6939 v1.0.0)
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p. 1-6
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (2020) 6
Published Version; peer reviewed