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Proposing a Phase Model for 360° VR Journalism: Resources and Challenges of Production
Vorschlag eines Phasenmodells für 360°-VR-Journalismus: Ressourcen und Herausforderungen der Produktion
[working paper]
Abstract The emergence of 360° technology and marketable virtual reality (VR) glasses has enabled 360° VR journalism to develop unique storytelling possibilities and to generate heightened levels of immersion and empathy for the audience. Nevertheless, the technology and therefore the journalistic output hav... view more
The emergence of 360° technology and marketable virtual reality (VR) glasses has enabled 360° VR journalism to develop unique storytelling possibilities and to generate heightened levels of immersion and empathy for the audience. Nevertheless, the technology and therefore the journalistic output have difficulties in reaching a larger market of users. Exploring possible reasons for this, the article provides insights into seven guided interviews with journalists experienced in the production of 360° VR content in Germany. Based on these insights, it proposes a production phase model and considers the resources of time, personnel and technology, the special features of storytelling, the new job description of 360° VR journalists, and the dependence of these aspects on the current situation of 360° VR journalism. It thereby provides both inspiration for further research and practical points of reference for journalists.... view less
journalism; virtualization; innovation research; digital media; virtual reality
Communicator Research, Journalism
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360° journalism, 360° video; digital longform; immersive journalism; journalistic production
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20 p.
Primary Publication; not reviewed