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The Kretschmann Effect: Personalisation and the March 2016 Länder Elections
[journal article]
Abstract This paper examines the influences of candidate perceptions on Germany's spring 2016 Länder election results. It takes a comparative approach, using a modified Michigan model on the data collected simultaneously in three Länder (Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saxony-Anhalt). It explain... view more
This paper examines the influences of candidate perceptions on Germany's spring 2016 Länder election results. It takes a comparative approach, using a modified Michigan model on the data collected simultaneously in three Länder (Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saxony-Anhalt). It explains why the Green party was successful in Baden-Württemberg but not in the other Länder, the impact of the major candidates, and what distinguishes the influences of the current prime ministers running for these elections. Whereas Winfried Kretschmann’s (Green party, Baden-Württemberg) high impact on the election results was driven mainly by a warmth dimension (sympathy), Malu Dreyer (SPD, Rhineland-Palatinate) was viewed as being competent. Both candidates were assets to their parties and co-responsible for the results. In comparison, in Saxony-Anhalt, none of the candidates were as important to the outcomes of the electoral success.... view less
Saxony-Anhalt; voting behavior; party; Rhineland-Palatinate; preference; election to the Bundestag; Baden-Württemberg; Federal Republic of Germany; election campaign; influence; election result; personalization; candidacy; en: floating voter oder swing voter?
Social Psychology
Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture
Document language
Publication Year
p. 359-379
German Politics, 27 (2018) 3
Postprint; peer reviewed
Deposit Licence - No Redistribution, No Modifications