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Civil-Military Relations during Transition and Post-Democratisation Periods: A View from Southeast Asia
Abstract The civil-military dynamic in Southeast Asia has been a contested issue for years. Although most countries in the region have been undertaken democratic governance, the military role in politics remains relatively unresolved. After having relatively stable civilian governments for over a decade, the... mehr
The civil-military dynamic in Southeast Asia has been a contested issue for years. Although most countries in the region have been undertaken democratic governance, the military role in politics remains relatively unresolved. After having relatively stable civilian governments for over a decade, the Thai military launched another coup in 2014 to topple a democratically elected government. In Indonesia and the Philippines, the military has been moderately controlled by the democratically elected civilian governments, but their professional roles in sustaining democratic principles and values are also questionable. Accordingly, the crucial issues are the role that the military plays in the transition period, such as in Thailand, and the degree to which the military is institutionalised under civilian control in nascent democracies, such as Indonesia and the Philippines. These issues are addressed in the books discussed herein.... weniger
Südostasien; Demokratisierung; zivil-militärische Zusammenarbeit; Militär; Kontrolle; Institutionalisierung
Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen
politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur
Freie Schlagwörter
civil-military relations
Sprache Dokument
S. 137-148
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 36 (2017) 2
Veröffentlichungsversion; begutachtet
Creative Commons - Namensnennung, Keine Bearbeitung 3.0