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Stereotypisierung im interkulturellen Kontext
Abstract "Stereotype" means the starch, generalized, incomplete and untrue reflection of other collectives with other cultures. It is not easy to be changed in case it comes into being. Stereotypes have the character of pertinacity, generalization, ignoring the individuality, simplification etc. How does ste... mehr
"Stereotype" means the starch, generalized, incomplete and untrue reflection of other collectives with other cultures. It is not easy to be changed in case it comes into being. Stereotypes have the character of pertinacity, generalization, ignoring the individuality, simplification etc. How does stereotype come into
being? The reasons are that the people try to lessen complicity and to find their recognition and identity. The sources of the
forming of stereotypes are our society, family and education, the media and the individual experience. Stereotypes represent a risk for the communication across cultures. They can prevent
the communication from taking place, affect the quality of communication and form discrimination. Therefore, we should recognize and clear up stereotypes, by building up the consciousness of individuality, interaction, activity and communication, in order to eliminate the negative influence of stereotypes, and to realize effective intercultural communication.... weniger
Kultur; Stereotyp; interkulturelle Kommunikation; Risiko; Folgen; Qualität; Diskriminierung; Interaktion; Individualität
interpersonelle Kommunikation
Kultursoziologie, Kunstsoziologie, Literatursoziologie
Kommunikationssoziologie, Sprachsoziologie, Soziolinguistik
Sprache Dokument
S. 113-124
interculture journal: Online-Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien, 5 (2006) 2
Veröffentlichungsversion; begutachtet (peer reviewed)