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El movimiento indígena Colombiano: de la identidad negativa a la identidad positiva
The Colombian indigenous movement: from the negative to the positive identity
Abstract This current article, a result of a historic hermeneutic research, aims to highlight how the indigenous people have been able to, along the path of the modern indigenous movement, take advantage of the political opportunities offered by the context, in order to boost their identity and in it, its mo... mehr
This current article, a result of a historic hermeneutic research, aims to highlight how the indigenous people have been able to, along the path of the modern indigenous movement, take advantage of the political opportunities offered by the context, in order to boost their identity and in it, its mobilization. As in the recovery of their identity, the construction as a collective and political subjects, have gained stature and political muscle by collating their identity with that of other actors and with that of the state, to which they compete for values, rights, and respect, for their identity. They have shaped the social actor of major prominence, as well as the capacity of summon, and this is what places them in the vanguard of the social struggle.... weniger
Ethnizität; Kolumbien; politische Integration; sozialer Wandel; kulturelle Identität; indigene Völker; politische Partizipation
politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur
Sprache Dokument
S. 49-65
Revista El Agora USB, 11 (2011) 1
Veröffentlichungsversion; begutachtet (peer reviewed)