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Strategic voting in proportional systems: the case of Finland
"In this paper we make a case that strategic voting can be observed and predicted even in PR systems. Contrary to the literature we do not see weak institutional incentive structures as indicative of a hopeless endeavor for studying strategic voting. The crucial question for strategic voting is how ... mehr
"In this paper we make a case that strategic voting can be observed and predicted even in PR systems. Contrary to the literature we do not see weak institutional incentive structures as indicative of a hopeless endeavor for studying strategic voting. The crucial question for strategic voting is how institutional incentives constrain an individual's decision-making process. Based on expected utility maximization we put forward a micro-logic of an individual’s expectation formation process as a function of situational and dispositional factors. All well-known situational incentives to vote strategically that get channeled through the district magnitude are moderated by dispositional factors in order to become relevant for voting decisions. Employing district-level data from Finland – because of its electoral system a particularly hard testing ground - we find considerable evidence for predictive implications of our theory." (author's abstract)... weniger
Nutzen; Wahlsystem; Abstimmung; Maximierung; Parlamentswahl; Wahlkreis; Wahlverhalten; Finnland; Strategie; Entscheidungsfindung; Verhältniswahl; Wahl
politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur
Sprache Dokument
24 S.
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